Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a collection of stocks, bonds, or other securities owned by a group of investors and managed by a professional investment company. When you put money into a mutual fund, it is combined with money from similar-minded investors. This large pool of money gives you much greater purchasing power than you could have investing on your own.


Fusion Credit Union partners with Aviso Wealth to provide our members with a diverse group of mutual funds to consider. Our wealth advisors work to find investment solutions that match each client’s appetite for risk and their savings objectives. RRSPs, RRIFs, RESPs, TFSAs and non-registered accounts are all available to invest in mutual funds.  Mutual funds are offered through Aviso Wealth. 

Live your best life with expert financial planning from our wealth advisors.  Book an appointment to speak with a wealth advisor today!

Fusion Wealth Management

Devron Jakeman

Wealth Advisor
Aviso Wealth


Sherri Shewchuk

Wealth Management Coordinator
Fusion Credit Union


Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a Division of Aviso Financial Inc.

Fusion Financial Strategies is a program provided by Aviso Insurance Inc. offering financial planning, life insurance and investments to members of credit unions and their communities. Trade-mark(s) of Fusion Financial Strategies are used under license by Aviso Insurance Inc.

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