Registered Savings

Registered Savings Plans

Take control of your financial future with registered savings accounts designed to grow your investment, tax free.  A registered account is an investment account that is given tax-deferred or tax-sheltered status by the government.



Save for your retirement, tax free.


Grow your investment with tax free savings.


Save for your first home, tax free


Save for your child's education


Gain long-term financial security for an individual with a disability.


Maintain control of your funds and reduce taxes.

Financial Wellness

What is financial wellness? Simply defined, it's your relationship with your money. A great relationship starts with knowledge and expertise on how to build strategies that help you reach your financial goals. Read the articles below for tips and advice on how to stay financially well!
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Intro to Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are the most common type of investment fund.  Read on to find out why many Canadians find them an easy and convenient way to add diversification to their portfolio.

Tips to Grow Your RRSP

From reinvesting your tax refund to setting up a spousal RRSP, we have tips to grow your RRSP.

RRSP's Improve Life Now and Later

An RRSP offers several benefits, including tax-deductible contributions, tax-deferred growth and the ability to contribute on a tax-deductible basis.
Ready to get started?
Opening an account at Fusion is easy!  You decide where you want your money to take you and we help you get there.
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