Ways to Invest
Ways to Invest
Investment solutions for where you are, where you're going and everywhere in between.
A brighter tomorrow starts with the right investments today. Whether it's owning a business, travelling the world, saving for retirement or planning for your child's education, we have the solutions to get you there.
Your Future Starts Now

Registered Savings
Save for your retirement, the dream house you're always wanted or your child's education with tax-free investment growth.

Term Deposits
A low-risk investment option used for saving money with a guaranteed rate of return.

Wealth Management
Live your best life with expert financial planning from our wealth advisors. Offered through Aviso Wealth, our team of experts are available to assist you in your investment decisions.
Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a division of Aviso Financial Inc.
Unless otherwise stated, mutual funds, other securities and cash balances are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer that insures deposits in credit unions.
Set Yourself Up For Success
Helpful tips on setting yourself up for investment success.
When is the best time to start investing? Yesterday. When is the second best time to start investing? Now.
While it's never too late to start investing, the earlier you start, the sooner you will reap the rewards. Young adults have the power of time - time to watch your savings grow. Investing when you're young gives your money more time to compound as you reinvest your earnings. In addition, young adults can take more risk with investments as you have more time to recover if things go wrong.
The Power of Compound Interest: Compound interest is interest that applies not only to the initial principal of an investment, but also to the accumulated interest from previous periods. You are essentially earning interest on your interest which accelerates the growth of your savings over time.
Saving for the sake of having a savings account is not always the best strategy. It's important to have goals. Goals keep us motivated for the long term.
Ask yourself: what are you saving for? Are there multiple things? How long will it take you to reach your goal? It's important to have a healthy balance of long, mid and short term goals.
- I want to retire at 65 = long term goal
- I need a new car = short term
- I’d like a vacation = short term
- Renovate the house = mid term
- Buy a new house = mid to long term
Having a savings plan will help you balance all of your goals. A wealth advisor can provide the advice your need to help you reach your goals.
To read more info on setting savings goals, including how to use the 'Latte Factor,' click here.
When you are investing in registered products, it's important to know the contribution deadlines and the amount you are allowed to contribute each year, or over your lifetime. The Government of Canada sets the contribution amounts and deadlines. Most registered products allow you to carry over any unused contributions, allowing you to maximize your earnings. However, there are penalties for contributing more than allowed.
For more information on contribution deadlines and maximum amounts, visit the following web pages:
A Pre-authorized contribution (PAC) lets you pay yourself first because it can direct money to your investments automatically. You get to determine the amount. By directing some of your paycheck to a savings or investment account—that is, pay yourself—before you do anything else with that money, your savings will grow.
If you have a chequing account where your payroll is deposited, you can set up a pre-authorized contribution to an investment account. This means that every pay cycle, money will automatically be drawn from that account and contributed to an investment vehicle of your choice. You can set it and forget it.
To set up your PAC, contact your local branch or speak to your wealth advisor.
Pay attention to your beneficiaries - its's more important than you think. Examine carefully about whom you assign the task of trustee. It can be a difficult role to fill, often challenged by trying relationships. As life changes, so should your beneficiaries. If you have an older life insurance policy, it is probably a good idea to review the named beneficiary as your circumstances may have changed.
We recommend reviewing your beneficiaries annually. Major life events like marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or a death in the family are reasons you may consider changing beneficiaries on RRSPs, RRIFs, or TFSAs.
Fusion Credit Union's Declaration of Trust, which is the governing body for RRSP's, TFSA's and RRIF's, is changing effective April 1, 2023. Changes have been made to the Declaration of Trust to meet legislative requirements, however it will not affect the day-to-day operation of your registered plan. Copies of the updated Declaration of Trusts are below:
The maximum RRSP contribution limit for the 2024 tax year is is $31,560, plus any unused RRSP contribution room at the end of 2023.
The maximum contribution limit for the 2025 tax year is $32,490, plus any unused RRSP contribution room at the end of 2024.
RRSP contributions made during the first 60 days of 2025 may be claimed as a deduction from income for the 2024 taxation year. For the 2024 tax year, contributions can be made to an RRSP until March 3, 2025.
For the 2025 taxation year, the TFSA contribution limit is $7,000, plus any unused contributions from previous years.
Financial Wellness
What is financial wellness? Simply defined, it's your relationship with your money. A great relationship starts with knowledge and expertise on how to build strategies that help you reach your financial goals. Read the articles below for tips and advice on how to stay financially well!

Intro to Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are the most common type of investment fund. Read on to find out why many Canadians find them an easy and convenient way to add diversification to their portfolio.

Tips to Grow Your RRSP
From reinvesting your tax refund to setting up a spousal RRSP, we have tips to grow your RRSP.

RRSP's Improve Life Now and Later
An RRSP offers several benefits, including tax-deductible contributions, tax-deferred growth and the ability to contribute on a tax-deductible basis.
You decide where you want your money to take you and we help get you there. Learn about our Savvy Index-Linked Term Deposit and experience the advantages of a term deposit and a mutual fund, all rolled into one.