Understanding Money is a Critical Life Skill

Like learning to swim, or knowing how to be a good friend, understanding how to manage money is a skill that can serve you in a pinch, or enhance your life all along.

That’s why Fusion Credit Union is introducing Each One, Teach One. An innovative program that helps people learn to be financially literate and navigate through potential challenges.

The Fusion team has the training and the materials available to offer workshops on a range of important financial topics like basic budgeting, consumer protection, risk management and money management for audiences from teenagers to seniors. And they’re ready to begin offering these sessions for any community group who asks.

“The workshops and the model of training financial industry staff to become certified volunteer trainers in communities was originally developed by Vancity Community Foundation in BC,” explains Dana Boryskiewich, a Learning and Development Coordinator for Fusion Credit Union. “At Fusion, we knew this was something we wanted to undertake.”

The materials created by Vancity were redeveloped for sharing with other credit unions and financial institutions with the generous financial support of Vancity Community Foundation. In response to community demand, these workshops are delivered in plain language and face-to-face in local community settings.

“This is such an amazing program. It is community-focused in helping the public understand financial literacy and empowering them,” said Boryskiewich. “I believe there has never been a better time to start this discussion and education.”

The workshops are for educational purposes and are not intended for the commercial benefit of the financial institution delivering the information. Specific products and services are never promoted.

“It’s meant to be a free presentation that is user-friendly and welcoming”, explains Boryskiewich. “We want everyone to feel comfortable increasing their knowledge without the pressure of a sales pitch.”

Available Topics Include

  • Taxation and tax filing
  • Contracts and developing a credit history
  • Basic banking and budgeting
  • Understanding the credit bureau
  • Loans
  • Credit cards and prepaid cards
  • Seniors financial abuse prevention
  • Fraud prevention

“This is exactly what we do at Fusion, we help others”, said Boryskiewich. “We’ll be able to help more people with this free service and that is incredibly exciting for all of us.”

This is exactly what we do at Fusion, we help others

Interesting in partnering with Fusion to offer workshops?

Each One, Teach One can work for your community or organization.

Please contact:


Dana Boryskiewich 204-773-7612
Nicole vandenHeuvel 204-842-2175

Thursday | November 21, 01:18 PM
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